Types of Weapons

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Energy Weapons: Energy Weapons require no ammunition to fire but produce significant amounts of heat over time. Be sure you have ample heat sinks equipped to dissipate your mechs heat or you may find yourself sitting for long portions of matches. It is generally not recommended to run energy heavy mechs on hot maps due to the loss of heat dissipation ability.

Ballistic Weapons: Ballistic weapons produce less heat per damage dealt and are generally considered most useful in hot map environments. They are a direct fire weapon that can chew thru ammunition rather quickly. Please make sure you have plenty of ammunition for the weapons that you equip. While they produce much less heat than energy weapons fire too many weapons of the same type can produce heat scale spikes due to ghost heat.

Missile Weapons: Missile weapons can be either direct fire or indirect fire. They can also be guided or dumbfired. SRM's and MRM's are an example of dumb fired missiles that have no guidance. ATM's LRM's and Streaks are all type of guided missile weapons. While these weapons may seem easy to use in most cases they spread damage around in a way that does not kill mechs effectively. This does not mean they do not have a place on the battlefield. They can be useful in certain game types and certain maps it is up to the drop callers to say when and where these mechs become useful.