Category:Firepower Tree
All articles related to the mech specific firepower trees will be displayed here.
Laser Vomit Trees
Laser Vomit (Config - 1) - 28 Nodes - Focuses on Range and Heat Gen nodes
Laser Vomit (Config - 2) - 27 Nodes - Focuses on Range, Heat Gen, with one duration node
Laser Vomit (Config - 3) - 27 Nodes - Similar to config 1 but with some cooldown nodes
Laser Vomit (Config - 4) - 31 Nodes - Similar to config 3 but with some extra heat gen nodes
Laser Vomit (Config - 5) - 31 Nodes - Similar to config 3 but with some extra heat gen nodes
Laser Vomit (Config - 6) - 30 Nodes - Similar to config 6 but with one less heat gen node
Laser Vomit (Config - 7) - 24 Nodes - A fairly stripped down tree that maximizes heat gen and range
Laser Vomit (Config - 8) - 29 Nodes - Similar to config 2 but with some extra heat gen nodes
Laser Vomit (Config - 9) - 37 Nodes - Similar to config 6 but with extra heat gen nodes
Laser Vomit (Config - 10) - 28 Nodes - Focuses on Duration and range nodes with some heat gen
Ballistic Trees
Ballistic (Config - 1) - 40 Nodes - Focuses on range and cooldown while grabbing the 2 Ammo nodes
Ballistic (Config - 2) - 38 Nodes - Config 1 but with one less cooldown and one less heat gen node
Ballistic (Config - 3) - 35 Nodes - Config 2 but with 3 less velocity nodes
Ballistic (Config - 4) - 33 Nodes - Config 3 but with one less cooldown and one less heat gen node
Ballistic (Config - 5) - 35 Nodes - Config 4 but with the UAC jam nodes
Ballistic (Config - 6) - 39 Nodes - Config 5 but with two more cooldown and heat gen nodes
Ballistic (Config - 7) - 37 Nodes - Config 2 but with the UAC jam nodes
Ballistic (Config - 8) - 33 Nodes - Config 7 but with two less range and cooldown nodes
Ballistic (Config - 9) - 30 Nodes - Config 8 but with 3 less velocity nodes
Ballistic (Config - 10) - 34 Nodes - Config 9 with three less cooldown and one less heat gen
Ballistic (Config - 11) - 32 Nodes - Config 10 but with one less heat gen and cooldown
Ballistic (Config - 12) - 34 Nodes - Focuses on range and Ammo nodes while also getting cooldown and heat gen
Brawler Trees
Brawler (Config - 1) - 28 Nodes - Laser Vomit (Config - 7) - 24 Nodes with 3 extra velocity nodes and 1 high explosive node
Brawler (Config - 2) - 33 Nodes - Ballistic (Config - 8) - 33 Nodes with Missle rack and trading cooldown for heatgen
Brawler (Config - 3) - 35 Nodes - Focuses on range and cooldown while grabbing both of the High Explosive and Missle Racking nodes
Brawler (Config - 4) - 28 Nodes - Laser Vomit (Config - 7) - 24 Nodes But with the Missle Rack and Ammo nodes and one more cooldown and range node
Pages in category "Firepower Tree"
The following 35 pages are in this category, out of 35 total.
- Ballistic (Config - 01) - 32 Nodes
- Ballistic (Config - 02) - 33 Nodes
- Ballistic (Config - 03) - 34 Nodes
- Ballistic (Config - 04) - 39 Nodes
- Ballistic (Config - 05) - 41 Nodes
- Brawler (Config - 01) - 27 Nodes
- Brawler (Config - 02) - 28 Nodes
- Brawler (Config - 03) - 28 Nodes
- Brawler (Config - 04) - 33 Nodes
- Brawler (Config - 05) - 33 Nodes
- Brawler (Config - 06) - 34 Nodes
- Brawler (Config - 07) - 35 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 01) - 24 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 02) - 27 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 03) - 27 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 04) - 28 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 05) - 28 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 06) - 29 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 07) - 30 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 08) - 31 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 09) - 31 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 10) - 34 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 11) - 35 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 12) - 36 Nodes
- Laser Vomit (Config - 13) - 37 Nodes